Web page of the course
Climate Modeling
- A.A. 2024/2025
G. Redaelli (gianluca.redaelli@univaq.it)
A. Lombardi (annalina.lombardi@univaq.it)
J. Wallace, P. Hobbs, Atmospheric Science: An introductory survey, Ac. Press
K. McGuffie, A. Henderson-Sellers, A climate Modelling Primer, Wiley-Blackwell
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Tu 19 November |
GR | Introduction to the course |
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21 November |
GR | Calculation of the Effective Emission Temperature of the Earth. |
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3 December |
GR | Greenhouse effect. Radiative Forcing and Climate Sensitivity. |
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5 December |
GR | Climate Equilibria, Sensitivity and Feedback. |
5 | Tu
10 December |
GR | Main Climate Feedbacks. Transient versus equilibrium response. |
6 | We
11 December |
GR | Launch of a balloon with PTU sensors and ECC ozonesonde. |
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GR | Evidences
of the building of GHGs and
of global warming. GHGs and GWP. Anthropogenic forcings. |
8 |
March |
sensitivity (TCR, ECS
and ESS) from models and
experimental data. Stable, unstable and multiple equilibrium states: Daisyworld. |
9 | Tu
11 March |
Climate Tipping Points. Bases of climate modelling. Climate Projections. | |
10 | Mo
17 March |
TBD (Climate Projection. Different types of Climate Models. 1D Energy Balance Model for the calculation of Ts: numerical solution) | |
11 | Tu
18 March |
TBD (Hierarchy and evolution of climate models. An overview of UN Climate Change Conferences of the Parties (COPs).) | |
12 | Mo
24 March |
TBD (Patterns and indices of Climate Variability: general characteristics and statistical derivation.) | |
13 | Tu
25 March |
(Patterns and
indices of Climate
Variability: ENSO,
AO, NAO, PDO, PNA. From Primitive equations to General Circulation in an Aquaplanet atmosphere.) |
14 | Mo
31 March |
TBD (1D Energy Balance Model for the calculation of Ts: numerical solution and exercises.) | |
15 | Tu
1 April |
TBD (1D Energy Balance Model for the calculation of Ts: exercises.) | |
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